Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Final Project EUTHANASIA

As you certainly have heard lately Mexico Introduces Euthanasia Legislation...

For a Final Project think about this controversial topic and write about it and if you have lived a close experience regarding to it, feel free to share if that's ok with you.

Do you agree with the video? What would you do?

Do ‘old people’ have any value to society? If so, what is their value?
Did you ever have a connection with your grandparents? What was the connection? Did you listen to them?
Is it a family’s responsibility to pay for the care of a terminally ill family member? Should the family be able to choose to let the family member die?
If a family member is in great pain and wants to die should he or she be given the right to be euthanized?
What would you do if you had a terminal illness? How would you act? Would you want your family to take care of you?
What are the laws like regarding Euthanasia in Mexico? Are they different from other countries?


Anonymous said...

Hi teacher, I used to think that euthanasia was a bad decision for the family members in cases of a terminally ill family member, but not now, because fortunately I live together with my grand fathers and they don´t like suffer, and I have been thinking recently that the pain to the terminal ill feels is unnecessary for them. My grandfather told me that he would want the euthanasia if he were a terminal ill, becase he said that the cost fo the hospital for a long time is a cost unnecessary and we haven´t certainty that the person will be healthy again. Obiously I felt so sad, but is the law of the life. I think the "old people" have a great value to society because they lives for a long time and know many things, they can teach for a new generations the real value to live, to nature, and life too, I think the old people are a jewerly to humanity and we sould exploit and value them; I have been trying to listen my grand fathers and learn all if possible.
Finally, I think that the euthanasia must be a personal decision and the family needs to respect that decision, isn´t a disheartened opinion, only is own will, in the cases of the laws, I ignore the mexican law, but I propose to be respected own decison, that is all.
Best wishes for all my classmates and for you teacher.

Anonymous said...

Hello, teacher! I´m Tania...oh! I think that the important arguments against the euthanasia are the religious, and I am sure that we are entitled to the life. It is a difficult topic the same as the abortion. But the truth is preferable that a person makes of her body what wants, if the person is sick. I think to continue living it`s cruel, and more if the sick person is the one that wants to stop of suffering.
an anthropology teacher commented me that our only mission in the life is to live excited…

Anonymous said...

Hello, teacher! I´m Tania...oh! I think that the important arguments against the euthanasia are the religious, and I am sure that we are entitled to the life. It is a difficult topic the same as the abortion. But the truth is preferable that a person makes of her body what wants, if the person is sick. I think to continue living it`s cruel, and more if the sick person is the one that wants to stop of suffering.
an anthropology teacher commented me that our only mission in the life is to live excited…

Anonymous said...

Eduardo Cruz García. 04/07/08.


Well. I think all want a Euthanasia because the meaning of the word is a nice dead .This topic is pretty contrivers, the reason why it is contrivers is that the people don’t have good information about it.
However when the family have to take a decision is so difficult, on the other hand I think that when a people is dead in life just is for a medical obsession, and the family and the patient suffer.
Summing up and as I have said the Euthanasia is a good option for the very sick people; accordingly the government must help in these cases.

Misael Mateos said...

I haven’t lived a similar experience, but I heard or saw some people who live that situation. Then I tried to think, what will I do if I be in that situation? But it’s so difficult to decide, and just can say this is a familiar decision, or in the best case, a decision from the ill. I think it’s so cruel leave suffer a terminally ill, but I’m agree if he or she decide to support that to live few moments with your family or dear beings.

When the ill be in coma or he/she can’t choose a decision; I think when all the options was use and the doctors doesn’t a hope, the best is let the ill die; maybe not use Euthanasia but not put the person in an artificial life. This topic should be discuses with the family after the illness.

Talking about the ‘old people’, I think, their most important legacy is the experience. We could learn a lot from ours grandparents, not just their good shots, from their errors too. They can be useful in a lot of human activities as long as it doesn’t need a strong physic effort. Also, the majority of people to be in old people’s debt, because they took care of us when we were child or our parents. Remember, all we will be old one day.

In conclusion, these entire topics are so controversial, because the different cases are numerous like varieties. And all the people can think different accord their situation and believes.

Rossy said...

Dear Teacher Lupita three years ago I lived some similar to these situacion. My husband died when he´s 37 years old. He had a terminal disease LAE ( Lateral Amitrofic Esclerosis). He began with a flu., then he began to lose one´s voice., also he lose feet,hands head motion.
We went to see many doctors, to have a different opinion about the ELA., So we decided to travel to the USA,Cuba but no body gave us a hope. We spent a lot of money to found his health. It´s too expensive the medicine.At the end he had to stomach operation. But he had a heart attack,and he was in coma so I decided to terminate with his live, because we made a deal when we were youngers and died.
Now a day´s I´m a widow.,and I have a Child, his name is David Emmanuel an he´s 10 years old. We are triying to be a small family and get a new live together.
Rossy Altamirano

Anonymous said...

Send again the proyect, please I hope her answer

Isabel Martinez

hi, teacher, send the final project at your e-mail, beacause, I think doesn´t stick in the blog.

Thankyou, See you next Saturday!

Currently in México one has legislated respected to the Eutnasia, But even not approved this, only exist the " Will exists Anticipate Advance " that directs the Ministery Secretary of Health. Where the peolpe can will to decide, what to do in this case and of the assisted death (Euthanasia). Worldwide there is since 80´s , Euthanasia in European, Asian and countries of the EE.UU., they take this practice, and had begun to be used from Latinoamerica (Perú, Colombia, Mexico). I think that the euthanasia must be a personal decision and the family it´s a dificult decisión, because be speak of one life.

For my " the elderly " mean a great value of knowledge and of experencies of lived, I didn´t known my grandparents, only my grandmothers. I would like Will be old woman as my grandmother, hopping have a good health, she is an iterrestring woman, I like speak with her of all old family, she give me several advices. I think if she wore sick, I will be take care her. I think that is a responsibility of all her children and granchildrens, that take care her with responsability , and if were my case, I Would like to have attentions of my children without much pain, but if I was suffering an incurable disease, I would like that they were helped me to " to die well ", . without feeling blame.

In the society the elderley not are valued, consequently they are ignored and several times they are left.

Almiux said...

Hi, I was thinking in that topic and was very difficult for me, before to see the video my opinion was:If in my family had a member whit a terminal illness and I must to have a desicion for that, I'll say:yes, because it's so hard to see someone to suffer and you can not to do anything for him or her. But, after to see de video my opinion changed, I had never thogth that this decision likes suicide; the video it's very clear and try to show us almost all possibilities to thing about the Euthanasia.
Now my opinion it's, if in my family had a member whit a terminall illness:
1)I'll try to found the way that his(her) would have more quality of life, for example, the best attention in the hospital, the best medicaments, something that my parents feels better. Everything.
2)In México there are societies that give sesions for that sicks, they are specialists for this topic, the name of that especiality is "Tanatologia".This especiality try to the family and the sick to acept the end and the way that will happen, before and after. I'll found one of this society and I try to convince all my family (include the sick)to recive the information.
Finally, I think that in the end the decision it's only for the sick person because is his or her that fells pain for the illness. And I'll try to accept the decision.
Alma Borjas

Anonymous said...

Well...first of all I think that talking about this topic is very difficult because everybody have a different idea about the live and the death but in my opinion when somebody know that the future can be so hard or difficult for some illness and this person doesn´t want to suffer or this person doesn´t want to be in bed the last days of your live. I think in this case is a fair decision to choose a decent death but the problem is when a illness arrive, suddenly and without prior warning, when someone have to decide about the live of someone else. I have never been in a similar situation but something is sure...I would prefer be the sick person.

Anonymous said...

hello teacher my name is gaby ramírez and my opinion about Euthansia is the next:

the euthanasia is a difficult topic to talk about

I don´t agree totally, but in the case of terminal illness I consider that the death is a human right for all.

If I were in this case I wish the Euthanasia but if someone of my members of family was in this case I couldn’t to take away the life.
Maybe I will live whit uneasiness, a part of i talk with my family and i will tell them i don´t want to live this form. i wouldn´t like that my family will suffer for my situation. I don’t want to be an impediment

Finally the Euthanasia isn´t permitted in México, we take for example penalty isn´t permit in México, I let me to read about the Euthanasia in other countries and only in Holland and grand Britain is permitted. But there some rules about this for example in Holland the people should be older of 17 years old, and the people should has a illness terminal.

All the people has value to society, this value is moral and is important for you.

I think the family shouldn’t to choose who die or maybe because I considered that is her/his right and someone decided if live or die

Anonymous said...

I think that the euthanasia is a very difficult topic to talk about, but sometimes I think that it´s necessary to practice it to bring a better life for a terminal illness person, sometimes the person who dies asks for it.
I have never been in a similar case, it depends in the religion of the person.
But the question is: where is the soul of the person when is in comma? may be in heaven, may be not.
I think that in a civilized society should allow people to die in dignity and without pain, and should allow others to help them do it if they cannot manage it on their own, but in our society maybe not.
Some persons say that our bodies are our own, and we should be allowed to do what we want with them. So it's wrong to make anyone live longer than they want. In fact making people go on living when they don't want to violates their personal freedom and human rights.
Someone think it's inmoral, to force people to continue living in suffering and pain.
They add that as suicide is not a crime, euthanasia should not be a crime.
Other people thinks that live is given by God and only God should decide when to end it (talking about religion) person who is opponents of euthanasia.
I am afraid that if in our country euthanasia was made legal, the laws regulating it would be abused, and people would be killed who didn´t really want to die.
In my case I´m agree about euthanasia, old people are important in our society, but when someone is in pain, it should decide of our own life.
Mariadna Moreno.

Anonymous said...

Good night teacher!! this is my final project.

In México we don't have the enough information about the euthanasia, we only have heard that is an injection for ending life´s persons and also in the part of Euthanasia legislation the politics haven´t worked to have now a solution for the persons who want that euthanasia been legal.

This is so controversial that everybody have a different idea about this topic, but I think that we have to be in the same case, in the same situation that persons who have a terminal illness because you don't know their feelings, their thoughts, but the most important their pain and we don't have any idea about the biggest suffering that they are undergone so if we can imagine for one moment the situation of the person, maybe the unique solution is the Euthanasia because there isn't the medicine and the equipment for save the person so if that person doesn't want to live anymore and he or she is suffering so much that wish to be died, I think that the best is the Euthanasia.
For the best to the patient and to the family, because they stop to suffering too and also they don't spend more money and time that wont give the health that sick familiar needs.

Thanks so much for your attention and the knowledge that you give us.

Nitzia Rincón Ramírez

Anonymous said...

I think that euthanasia it`s a decision only to the person that be sick...and all should respect this why only if you live this situation can decide. The family could talk with the doctors and the patient, but only for rest. In my case if i`ll be sick i decided to live my last days with my family and when God decide that it`s the moment for me i accept this. The old people are very important in our lifes why we can learn many things about their experiences.I was a close experience with euthanasia for my father...but the good new is that why don`t need decide...God decide and now i understand that was be the better for him.

Anonymous said...

HI TEACHER!!!! Well, I'm sending my opinion of the euthanasia. I Hope find you in the SKYPE one day.

This is a very controversial topic because there are a lot of situations that we must consider.
Certanly the euthanasia is one action that it has a lot of concecuencies.

When I think in euthanasia, a lot of questions comes to my mind,"Is that the right desition?, Am I doing the correct action?, Who Am I to decide if someone lives or not? and "Who deserve the euthanasia?

Many people prefers to die without pain and they really like the euthanasia, but certanly, their families are not agree with this desition because the family don't want to loose their relatives.

I don't know, if I were the person that is suffering I wouldn't like that life anymore, but I'm sure that my family wouldn't like to do the euthanasia. This is one of the must controversial topic of the euthanasia.

By the other hand, a lot of people think that the euthanasia is the best way to give "rest" to the patients that are suffering.

The euthanasia is considered like a crime un many countries and is not allowed, and the relatives with a terminal ill familiar complain about this because for them it's cruel leave the patients suffering.

If I were the president I would do a lot of new legislations about the euthanasia, but always considering the opinion of the relatives, the doctors and obviously the opinion of the people that has a terminal ill if it were possible.


Unknown said...

hello teacher, well i´m sorry that i didn't write my coment before.
well this kind of subject is very important because to depend of the life of any person.
The euthanasia refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner.
In my personal opinion I not agree about the euthanasia, because i´m catholic and my religion says that the euthanasia is a crimme, o mean, the people who apply the euthanasia is a killer.
well i dont think this exactly because sometime the people suffer a lot by a sick, and in that´s case i gues the euthanasia it´s ok, but when we talk about the law, i'm not agree.
I havent´t meet somebody to have this kind of experience, and I heard a little but the subject is important.

Anonymous said...

This is a really difficult topic but I think, first we have to talk what is the meaning of this Word “Euthanasia” it´s an act that cause the immediately death of a sick person, with the intension to avoid the suffering or the artificial life, but we have two conditions, it´s necessary to have a terminal illness and to have the permission from the sick person. With this information and with all the things that has happened all over the world, with this “new” law. I have to say that I respect the point of view of everyone, but for me and mine belief, this is a bad act cause, Gob is the only one who give us the life, and he is the only one who has to take off it. I know that there are many reasons to be in favor of Euthanasia like a extreme pain, like bad economic situation, or like a famous phase “Everyone has the right to live with dignity so everyone has the right to die with dignity”. And thousands of things like that. But I know also many things to be in favor of the life. Like that case of Karen Ann Quinlan, or the legal euthanasia in Holland where they apply this act if someone doesn’t like to live anymore. Or the ethical medical. In Mexico now is not permitted this act. I know that this is other generation and we have to have an open mind, we have to advanced in many things but there are some things that just we have to respect them cause they have a reason to exist like “THE LIFE”. BY ALVARADO CASTILLO PAOLA.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.